The university at ESperanza land offers a Life Vision Quest alignning with our ancestrals gifts, the creation of the new Aquarian Age world, and the evolution of of the Gnostic University of Philanthropy.
The Life Vision Quest is a nine days quest in la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta where with the guidance of Earth Medicines you unlock your ancestral gifts. The Sierra Nevada, the new tibet for the Aquarian Age, is said to be the womb of Pachamama. The Tayronas lived in la Sierra and hold the sacred spiriual wisdom that was transfer to the exisiting tribes: Kogui, Arhuaco, Wiwa and Kankuamo. They have helped preserved la Sierra as a pristine clean territory that is is harmony wih Mother Earth, holding the medicines and land for fast healing.
ESperanza land is inside the Sierra Nevada indigenous territory offering ceremonies overlooking the ocean, in the mountains and near pristine rivers. We have trained shamans, offering all kinds of Earth Medicines.
We discover ourselves when we discover our ancestral gifts. For example you discover your passion like building, painting, music, theater, and so on. To open those gifts, constellation karma healing is essential. This is understanding of your relations, in particular your parents and grandparents, from an emotional viewpoint as well as an astrologial arquetype. Learning to see everybody as your shadow/light and that everybody cam here to help achieve your dreams.
Once the gifts are discover, concrete actions need to set in place. These are group of projects, which are aligned in one common vision of a new world of love harmony and peace, where we are sovereign, free to create and follow our passion.
After engaging in a Life Vision Quest you will have concrete projects, actions and resources (e.g. mentors, friends and family) that you feel can help you achieve your dreams. You will be so excited that you have discover your true purpose that everyone will love to help you.
The Life Vision Quest is a prerequisite to enter the Gnostic University of Philantropy. The Quest will provide a main project or set of projects that our very meaningful to the students, as well as, align with the vision of the university and the eCountry.
Engaging in collective dreaming in sacred/ magic circles is esssential to shape your vision. Also, part of dreaming is the processs you take on yourself to connect with your higher spirit. Here is a good exercise for you to engage in.
If you are iterested in our Spiritual Life Vision Quest, contact us here.